Sports Organizers...Save Time and Money!
Visit Fairfax sports marketing department provides a variety of event support services and acts as a liaison between sports organizers and athletic facilities, hotels, attractions, shopping centers, restaurants, vendors, and county agencies. We're an impartial, one-stop source for marketing, research, and logistics assistance...helping sports planners and their guests save time and money.
If you're planning a sporting event, let us help you with the following free services:
Hotel & Facility Selection
- Collect competitive, no-obligation bids from Fairfax County hotels and sports facilities
- Conduct research and arrange site inspections to determine suitability of hotels, sports facilities, and other potential venues
- Provide guidance during application and permitting process to help secure sports facilities
Bid Development & Presentations
- Assist with the preparation of sports event and meeting bids as well as formal presentations to bid committees
- Provide letters of support for event bids as well as welcome letters for event communication materials
Tourist Information & Special Offers
- Supply information on local attractions, shopping centers, restaurants, and historic sites
- Help secure coupons and promotional offers from participating tourism stakeholders (based on availability; limits may apply)
- Recommend tour itineraries and special activities
Event Marketing & Promotion
- Offer publicity assistance and media lists to increase event awareness and interest
- List event information on calendar page, with links to tournament website
- Furnish tourism and sports-related photos for event newsletters, programs, and websites
Other Services
- Supply listings of local businesses providing catering, transportation, signage, photography/video, trophies and other event-related products and services
- Offer sources for volunteer recruitment
- Staff hospitality table at registration site of large events to greet guests and provide visitor information*
- Provide assistance in arranging welcome addresses and obtaining greeting letters from county officials and other local VIPs*
*Our services include, but are not limited to, those listed above. Asterisked services are contingent on the number of event participants/spectators and peak roomnights. Please let us know what we can do to help make your event a success!